The world of Evergreen has been a massive part of my life for nearly a decade. If you haven't read The Stories of Evergreen (or even if you have) there are some random things about the series that I would like to share (the 2nd and 3rd books are yet to be released):
The series has elements such as time travel, a tiny bit of magic, dragons, coming of age, and the importance of comradery and human relationships.
At the current stage of writing the series, there are over 40 characters.
The series is written from the points of view of several different characters (mostly third person omniscient).
The series will only consist of three books, although a prequel is not out of the question.
The Stories of Evergreen was originally a standalone novel about a place I called The In Between, Evergreen hadn't even been conceived at this point. Once I realized The In Between wasn't enough to create a novel, Evergreen was born.
Enough about The Stories of Evergreen! My upcoming blogs will be about me, what makes me tick, my past writings, and what is in store after I complete TSoE. Stick around!